We will assist you to open corporate bank account

We have solutions for top merchant accounts in top banks in Europe and China!

GBO specializes with assistance for the following industries:

  • Forex, brokers, financial planning, strategy or consulting
  • eGaming – online gaming, online casinos, bingo, sports, lottery etc
  • e-Commerce low-risk to high-risk
  • Gaming
  • Tech
  • Exporting services
  • Tech ad
  • Affiliates

The options regarding setting up a company in one of these above mentioned categories is limited. However, at GBO, we specialize in finding solutions that are efficient and convenient for these companies.

The ideal high risk payment gateway is one that fits into your business mold via commissions, risk management, long term relations and safety for you and your customers.

With GBO’s assistance, your high-risk online company can benefit from an increased revenue via your credit card processor along with advanced currency options and unlimited access to countries around the world.

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    High-Risk merchant accounts

    A high-risk merchant account is often necessary for companies dealing in industries that carry a high potential for fraud and charge backs. For most online companies, there are no issues when it comes to securing merchant services, however companies dealing in these high-risk fields are met with many obstacles and difficulties when trying to find a service provider.

    More and more online companies have been moving towards payment processors that offer merchant accounts. Even though the option of going with a domestic institution is a safer and more secure one, there has been an influx of demand with merchant accounts, making it a more favorable option.

    One of the more complicated industries that we work with is that of pharmaceuticals. The complications can be endless when it comes to online credit card processing for high-risk companies. The initial stage in order to begin the process would be to find an online merchant provider that will accept online pharmaceutical companies and will agree to process credit card payments via their website. Pharmaceutical bank accounts fall under the same category as any other e-Commerce merchant account service when it comes to applying for a merchant bank account. Pharmacy e-Commerce merchant accounts make credit card processing easy, safe, reliable and profitable.

    It is essential to take into account that all providers are different and thus their regulations differ. Such that one provider may consider your business to be high risk, while another may not have any issue whatsoever. Ultimately it comes down to their risk and compliance department guidelines. In addition there are a number of merchant account providers that specialize in high risk merchant services, specifically catering for businesses that would be labelled as “high risk.”

    All online gaming operators must obtain a sub-license in order to run internet gambling operations in Curacao. The Curacao gaming laws require full compliance with all the relevant regulations before you can operate. Let our expert team at GBO take care of the necessary procedures to obtain the license, set up your company and banking accounts. Check with us for the current applicable charges.

    Why do you need an offshore merchant account?

    A business that is new and has no record of processing credit cards, or a business with a history of chargebacks, fraud or bad credit, is categorized by merchant account service providers as a high risk business. However, often times, businesses with an impeccable record can also fall under the category of “high-risk” simply because they operate within an industry that is in its entirely considered high-risk, regardless of the risk profile of the business.

    Merchants with high risk businesses or who operate in high risk industries, often look at offshore merchant account services as a solution to their lack of opportunity to process credit cards with local processors. Offshore credit card processing allows merchants who wouldn’t normally qualify for a merchant account within their jurisdiction, to take advantage of less stringent approval standards offered by merchant account service providers overseas.

    These eCommerce merchant account services provide high risk businesses with international credit card processing, debit card processing, a gateway, fraud prevention systems and often, chargeback avoidance tools. These offshore merchant accounts providers are geared towards high risk e-commerce businesses in several industries.
    How do you find the best offshore merchant account services?

    In order to find the best offshore merchant account for your ecommerce business, you should contact multiple companies in order to compare rates and services.

    At GBO, we help clients find the best merchant account for their specific needs. Mifid regulationWe work closely with some of the best merchant account service providers in various jurisdictions, to make sure each of our clients specific needs are met.

    Who needs a high risk offshore merchant account?

    A company that operates a high risk international website that needs to process payments and cards (debit, prepaid and credit cards) must have a high risk offshore merchant account.

    High risk offshore merchant account is best applicable for online business that operate in high risk online business like e-commerce, gaming, it, marketing, etc. and has the following features:

    • Don’t have a processing history
    • More than 2% charge back
    • Working with regulation where regulation is needed
    • Serving international customers

    Through this high risk offshore merchant processing accounts the company will be able to receive funds from customers with high volume and high risk.

    Why would you be considered high risk?

    There are a number of reasons a merchant provider may consider your business to be high risk, for example your industry may be known for having a high percentage of chargebacks, or fraud or a bad credit rating.

    Another potential reason you would be considered high risk is if you have an offshore business, placing you in the high risk category with many other online businesses.

    Do You Need a High Risk Merchant Account high services?

    If you consider your business to be high risk and you wish to offer your customers the option of online payments using a credit card, then yes, you will require a high risk merchant account.

    It’s very rare to find a business owner these days who does not have the need to process credit cards online as it has become such an essential part of running a business. However the issue lies in attaining the approval for the account, particularly if the business is considered to be high risk.

    What is an offshore high risk merchant account?

    If you own a business in today’s day and age, no matter what it is you sell, you need to be able to accept credit card payments from your customers and in order to do so, you need a merchant account. You may have very well checked the sustainability of your business, have the funding needed to operate a successful business, have proven to be stable, you may have even been in business for a while, and yet, a merchant account provider will still deny you.
    Why? Because no matter how stable your business is, the industry in which you operate may be considered high-risk. There are a lot of factors that play a role in determining why a business is high risk, but if your business is included in a high risk category, most merchant account providers will shy away. In recent years, this trend is further exacerbated with the proliferation of online businesses that are harder to regulate.

    The effect of the reputation of your business industry on merchant providers

    The reputation of an industry stems from the overall image of the industry and the way business is generally conducted within that particular industry. For example, most online businesses are considered to be high risk since they are exposed to high traffic, clientele from all over the world as well as theft of consumer data. When a business offers the option of online payments, there is always the risk of hackers attaining credit card information, something that account providers need to take into consideration.

    The general reputation of an industry is also taken into consideration, while some industries may seem obvious to be high risk, one may be surprised by certain other industries which also fall into the category of high risk, such as selling vitamins as well as other health products.

    GBO offers assistance with finding and locating high-risk payment solutions for online activities in major business fields, contact us and we will be happy to assist you with all your needs including assistance with finding payment processing consultants. In order to save time and money on processing and transaction fees, it is vital that the high-risk merchant accounts be set up in an orderly manner. By accepting the purchase card at the lowest cost, it paves the path for maximum profitability.

    With GBO you can find assistance with finding payment solutions for business-to-business (B2B) in Europe as well as enterprise-level that will help businesses manage their complex credit card processing needs. Our offshore merchant account services are offered to low-risk as well as high-risk companies.

    GBO provides assistance with finding corporate solutions for high risk merchant accounts in Europe that include a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, forex, online lottery, gaming, bingo, casinos, travel and more. Each account is customized to suit your business needs.


    Luckily, there are offshore merchant account providers who specialize in providing services to businesses in high-risk industries. High risk merchant account providers, also known as offshore international merchants account providers, allow businesses operating in high risk industries to receive credit payments from their customers. If you run a web-based business and you want to be successful, you must have an online merchant account to accept credit card payments from your e-commerce clients. Whether you operate an online dating site, a Forex business, a gaming site, or any other ecommerce business, an online merchant account will make the process of running your business easier and much more effective.

    What is an aggregate High risk merchant account?

    When you own an online business being able to accept credit card payments is a must. However this can be a challenge to arrange if you are a business is either new and doesn’t have any processing history, has a negative processing history such as a high chargeback rate, or operates in an industry categorized by merchant account service providers as “high-risk”. Opening an offshore merchant account is one way in which your business can begin accepting credit card payments from clients. Another way is by establishing an aggregate merchant account. Merchant accounts can be either dedicated, in which case the account is dedicated to processing payments received by your business alone, or aggregated, in which case an entire portfolio of companies process payments through this one merchant account, such as PayPal.
    In essence, an aggregate merchant account is an account in which the credit card processing company opens one merchant account for several businesses to share. Because the pool of businesses in these aggregate merchant accounts is comprised of both high risk and low risk businesses, the overall risk, chargeback rates and refund levels balance out, making it a deal with acceptable risk for banks.
    The process to open up an aggregate merchant account offshore is much less rigorous than that of a dedicated merchant account and the approval process can usually be done within minutes. However, some of the detriments of an aggregate merchant account is that it does not abide by any industry standards in terms of fund disbursement and that you are not able to negotiate rates.

    Understanding an Aggregate High Risk Merchant Account

    GBO offers assistance with finding Merchant Services and solutions for merchants having trouble finding a credit card processing service. Merchants with high risk businesses; a history of chargebacks; fraud; bad credit or those who don’t qualify for traditional credit card processing can find a solution in an offshore merchant account. An offshore merchant account or international merchant account provides a payment processing option which will allow your business to accept credit card payments. High risk businesses can gain international credit card processing through a offshore merchant account. Obtaining an off-shore merchant account is possible for new businesses even if you do not have a positive credit history. It can be achieved using what is called an aggregate merchant account or 3rd party merchant account.

    Offshore eCommerce merchant account

    As an online business, having an ecommerce merchant account is a must. Having the ability to process credit card payments online, enables your customers to make payments in a quick and reliable way. Whether you sell clothing, toys, electronics or provide a service, setting up an ecommerce merchant account will allow you to operate a successful online ecommerce store.

    Some businesses however, are categorized by merchant providers as “high risk”, in which case, most acquiring banks may shy away from providing them with ecommerce merchant accounts. Thankfully though, GBO has vast experience in assisting clients in high-risk industries, who would otherwise be denied, to obtain access to e-commerce merchant accounts easily and efficiently. We can help you set up an offshore e-commerce merchant account so you can be on your way to accepting payments from your clients online, in no time.

    What Are offshore e-commerce Merchant Accounts?
    An offshore ecommerce merchant account is essentially a merchant account established with a bank that is located outside of your home country. These specialty bank accounts enable e-commerce sites to accept credit card payments through their websites from customers around the world.These types of accounts are often also referred as high-risk merchant accounts.

    The e-commerce banking world offers numerous advantages to both customers and businesses and offering easy payment options to customers is a key ingredient to growing your business’ clientele. By providing customers with quick and easy payment options, you will make your ecommerce site more reliable, professional and appealing to your clients, thus showing them that you care about their business and work hard to satisfy their needs.

    Finding the right credit card processing service provider can help you maintain a reliable payment processing connection, which will in turn increase the number of potential and return customers. At the same time as helping you save money on payment processing fees and commissions.

    GBO provides assistance to ecommerce businesses all over the world, in opening e money accounts with the best and most suitable credit card processing service providers. We will match you with the best providers so you can start processing credit card payments on your website from customers around the world, in multiple currencies. We will also ensure that you get the best rates, so you keep a healthy budget for your business.
    Our vast network of acquiring banks, gives us the opportunity to assist clients with offshore e-commerce merchant accounts, even if their businesses are considered high-risk e-commerce businesses.

    At GBO, we are experts in assisting clients find the best merchant accounts in the EU and Asia.

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